DSLR Controller (BETA) Review | Android App | Playboard DSLR Controller (BETA) Android App Review (50 downloads)...DSLR Controller was the first and remains the best app to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device... ... Playboard Team Reviewed in Reddit Saturday APPreciation thread, Dec 14th
[日常工具] DSLR Controller (BETA) v0.60 DSLR控制器是第一個也是唯一的應用程序,讓您完全控制您的佳能EOS數碼單反相機,從您的Andr oid設備,只有一個 USB 電纜 ... DSLR Controller (BETA) v0.60 完全控制你的佳能EOS數碼單反相機,從您的手機或平板電腦通過 USB!
Canon EOS-M HDMI output - DSLR Film Noob « Low price wireless DSLR Controller solution Canon FD 35-105mm f3.5 lens on the EOS-M body » Reader's Comments # Mathieu October 7th, 2013 at 10:40 am ...
DSLR Controller (BETA) 0.99.0 - APKTOP DSLR Controller is the first and only app that allows you to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device with only a USB cable. No computer or laptop required, no root required, only a compatible mobile device, a compatible camera, ...
Canon EOS-M questions answered - DSLR Film Noob 作者:deejay scharton - 2014年2月17日 - Next up DSLR Controller. The app does not work with the Canon EOS-M plugged directly into the tablet. I tested this out multiple times via usb ...
Canon EOS-M Archives - DSLR Film Noob The Canon EOS-M is a pretty tiny little camera and there's not a whole lot of room to mount accessories. In order to make the camera a little larger and add a few ...
DSLR Controller :: Home DSLR Controller was the first and is still the best app to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device, with nothing more than a USB cable.
EOS M - USB control (or lack thereof): Canon EOS M Talk Forum ... 2012年11月16日 - I make DSLR Controller so naturally what I was after was seeing how much remote control was possible. I had read somewhere EOS Utility ...
Re: EOS M with android tablet question: Canon EOS M Talk Forum ... But the question I have is if the EOS M is capable of being connected to a tablet using the DSLR controller app so the tablet can be used as a monitor for filming?
[2013.12.20] DSLR Controller v0.99.4 BETA - Page 222 - xda-developers I actually got an EOS M to work on compatibility with DSLR Controller. First batch. Unfortunately, the EOS M has all interesting remote control ...